Medical Massage & Acupuncture

Specializing in the treatment of sciatica, chronic pain, neck pain, low back pain, muscle aches, TMJD, stress, and sports injuries. Focusing on relaxation and total body wellness.

Myofascial Acupuncture, What is it?

Myofascial acupuncture blends acupuncture with medical deep tissue massage, thai-yoga therapy, and trigger point techniques. Interweaving myofascial needling methods with myofascial massage techniques. Myofascial acupuncture restores balance in the tensile forces of the body. To do this, it incorporates stretching techniques derived from yogic asanas, imparts dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and makes postural assessments after every treatment.


  • “Dante asks you what’s wrong. He listens and uses therapies that really work. He incorporated a deep myofascial massage, with another one using hot rocks. Acupuncture helped relieve pain in my neck. The results were amazing. I would highly recommend this skilled healer to anybody.”

    — Frank J.

  • “Dr. Dante is a Master of his craft. He takes the time to explore your issues, then explains and assesses each individual problem. I left feeling great after an incredible massage/acupuncture treatment. I would highly recommend to anyone I care about.”

    — Zaq P.

  • "Tina gave me the best massage ever! She focused on my problem areas but still left plenty of time for a complete body relaxation. I left with no pain and was so relaxed. Definitely recommend Tina for any massage needs!"

    — Christi S.

  • “Dante Valore, DOM is a highly skilled healer in medical massage and acupuncture, amongst other modalities. He helped me cope with a serious health challenge with kindness and attention. I am happy to say that I continue to see him post treatment to help maintain my health and recovery.”

    — Kerri W.

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